
Matthews, J.L. (2015). Language in social contexts. Invited Lecture, Cognitive Science 5 – Introduction to Language and Linguistics. University of California, Merced.

Di Giuseppantonio Di Franco, P.**, Matthews, J.L., & Matlock, T. (2014). Framing the past: How virtual experiences affect our bodily description of artifacts. The 3rd Global Conference on Time, Space & the Body, Mansfield College, Oxford, England, U.K. **talk facilitated by this author

Matthews, J.L. (2014). Drawing as insight into spatial cognition. Invited Lecture, Cognitive Science 175 – Spatial Cognition. University of California, Merced.

Matthews, J.L. (2014). On talking and thinking about social relationships: Understanding the link between spatial distance and social distance. Invited Lecture, Cognitive Science 5 – Introduction to Language and Linguistics. University of California, Merced.

Matthews, J.L. (2013). How imagined friend location influences distance estimation in photographs. International Spatial Cognition Summer Institute. University of California, Santa Barbara.

Matthews, J.L. (2012). Space as a source domain: Social distance, communication, and the space in which we live. Invited Lecture, Cognitive Science 159 – Metaphor and Thought. University of California, Merced.

Matthews, J.L. (2012). Space and perspective in collaborative environments. Invited Lecture. Cognitive Science 5 – Introduction to Language and Linguistics. University of California, Merced.

Matthews, J.L., Huang, Y., Matlock, T., & Kallmann, M. (2012). See what I mean? Modeling gaze behavior for virtual demonstrators. The 33rd annual Central California Research Symposium. Fresno, CA.

Huang, Y., Matthews, J.L., Matlock, T., & Kallmann, M. (2011). Modeling gaze behavior for virtual demonstrators. The 11th International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents, Reykjavik, Iceland.

Huang, Y., Matthews, J.L., Matlock, T., & Kallmann, M. (2011). Modeling gaze behavior for virtual demonstrators. Cognitive & Information Sciences Graduate Group Colloquium, University of California, Merced.

Matthews, J.L. & Matlock, T. (2011). When viewpoint matters: How narrative perspective and social distance influence virtual agent placement. The 32nd annual Central California Research Symposium. Fresno, CA.

Matthews, J.L. & Matlock, T. (2010). The spatial and temporal underpinnings of social distance. The 2010 International Spatial Cognition Conference, Mt. Hood, OR.

Matthews, J.L. (2010). Behavioral predictions of women inmates: The unfortunate effect of low facial prominence. The 31st annual Central California Research Symposium. Fresno, CA.

Matthews, J.L. (2009). Effects of facial prominence on predicted job performance: A gender disparity in predicted negative behavior. The American Association for the Advancement of Science – Pacific Division Annual Conference. San Francisco, CA. **AAASPD First Place Award of Excellence**

Matthews, J.L. & Matlock, T. (2009). Effects of social information on drawn route traversals. The 30th annual Central California Research Symposium. Fresno, CA.

Matthews, J.L. (2008). Effects of facial prominence on predicted job performance. The 29th annual Central California Research Symposium. Fresno, CA.

Matthews, J.L. (2007). How spatial is social distance? Cognitive Science Graduate Student Research Symposium. School of Social Sciences, Humanities, and Arts, University of California, Merced.

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